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Responsive Design Of Dolphin Websites Is Running
According to our investigation into the market change and some new clients' request, we have created responsive design of our website and transferred from old design to this new design and we are using both and and now the main website is

This doesn't affect the use of our tools and services, instead, users can access to our website: from any kind of devices and view it in a proper way-easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors).

We are improving ourselves from each detail to offer more professional services and more powerful data recovery tools to all users worldwide.

Thank you again for your support to Dolphin Data Lab!

We have created one new main email with our new main website:, any question is welcome.

Best regards
Dolphin's Team

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About Dolphin Data Lab Forums

Dolphin support forum is for Dolphin users only to get latest software upgrade, new user manuals, case studies, data recovery solutions and tips on how to use Dolphin data recovery tools properly and for maximum data recovery.

For any more information, please contact us.

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