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New Version Of DFL-DE Version 1.5 Is Available
What's new in DFL-DE version 1.5?

1, WD Reset Smart is added;
2, WD load LDR is added;
3, F3 Reset Smart is added;
4, F3 decryption is added;
5, Security set password is added;
6, Security unlock is added;
7, Samsung Reset Smart is added;
8, VMFS3/VMFS4 file system support is added;
9, Multi-pass image is added;
10,To copy LBA to clipboard is added;
11,To terminate the ID read when it takes long to read ID;
12,Added more families to support for WD head map editing in RAM;
13,To skip the LBA when scanning the sectors;
14,To enable/disable MBR is added;
15,Password removal support for Seagate Baraccuda 7200.7-10, 5400.3;
16,Toshiba View G-list is added;
17,Toshiba Clearing G-list is added;
18,Toshiba Virtual Translator is added;
19,Samsung Password Removal is added;
20,Selective head image for Hitachi ARM series is added;
21,Selective head image for Fujitsu MHY series is added.

What’re modified within DFL-DE version 1.5?

1,Modify the file listing method from listing from root to listing from current selected location;
2,Modify Ignore ICRC to Ignore CRC; ICRC belongs to one error of CRC;
3,Modify and improve the compatibility between HFS file names and windows file names, for special characters, they will be replaced with ‘_’;
4,Modify the PIO read color and it’s all green;
5,To set up the corresponding file folders when reading the files during file extraction;
6,COM port interface is changed.

Bugs Fixed Within DFL-DE Version 1.5:

1, Imaging statistics error is fixed;
2, EXT4 file system parse error is fixed;
3, EXT4 and HFS partition scan error is fixed;
4, Selective head image error for some hard drives is fixed;
5, When there’s special character within model and the interface cannot be accessed during the bad sector scanning.
Dear Mr. Morgan and RD team,

great job.
When new version will be available for download.

Thank you
I will upload the firmware upgrade program first and upgrade instructions these two days and then upload the setup program and you all will get it soon.
(06-13-2013, 07:14 PM)Stanley.Morgan Wrote: I will upload the firmware upgrade program first and upgrade instructions these two days and then upload the setup program and you all will get it soon.

Very good,

Thank you so much

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