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DFL has problems when copying ROM with the ST5000LM000 models, I have this disk in perfect working order and it comes to us because it was formatted, the disk is checked and it only reads 50% of the disk, it enters DFL observing blocked firmware, a copy of the ROM, UNLOCK ROM is generated and when copying the ROM it generates a write error with code 332, leaving the ROM BLANK and leaving the disk inoperative! be careful, the original ROM generated copied it well but later it does not let me write any rom.

Then the original rom is copied to the chip through an external programmer, and the disk boots, trying to copy the unlock rom from the program again and this generates the error leaving the rom blank, so it is a software problem Dfl, then copy the unlock rom from the programmer and turn on the disk but with a led error that does not allow to advance or recognize the disk

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