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HDD mode Busy
The HD was recognizing normal in Dolphin where it turns on the DRD and DSC lights, so I scanned the HDD to find the BadBlocks and stopped scanning, after that the HDD went into Busy mode and no longer turns on the DRD and DSC lights, it is possible take this out of busy mode ???

What are the commands ???

What is the hard drive brand and model? Did you try to make head map. and usthete a chance to identify that, which head is bad.
(09-28-2019, 02:07 PM)Dananjaya Wrote: What is the hard drive brand and model?  Did you try to make head map. and usthete a chance to identify that, which head is bad.

Good Morning !!!

This HD is Seagate and model Momentos.

I recently bought the Dolphin tool and did not take a course, could you teach me how to make this head map please.

Thank you for now
(10-17-2019, 11:16 PM)darciofjunior Wrote:
(09-28-2019, 02:07 PM)Dananjaya Wrote: What is the hard drive brand and model?  Did you try to make head map. and usthete a chance to identify that, which head is bad.

Good Morning !!!

This HD is Seagate and model Momentos.

I recently bought the Dolphin tool and did not take a course, could you teach me how to make this head map please.

Thank you for now
Hi. This link will help to get an idea. In this case you should select seagate headmap tab. First select one by one and check which head has badsectors or head damaged. If you can identity it, you should untick that head or heads. This mean you can image data of good platter. At last try to enable that untick heads and try to get data. Sometimes backward image mode you can try. If you have any bad sector area, you press the stop button and try again , changing the bit advance LBA

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