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DFL-DE Upgrade Features Overview
We just finished the DFL-WDII hdd repair tool and will soon release the English version to all users to get for free and now we are planning on DFL-DE data recovery tool.

From the very beginning of the birth of DFL-DE data recovery tool, we have opened the channel for clients and users to submit new features on this tool and until now it has been 2 months we’ve collected features on the first and second version of DFL-DE data recovery tool.

Read the full news here:
Dolphin team
Hi Guys,

Just one more suggestion for another feature which I believe will be very powerful and not hard to implement.

If you have an hard drive with many bad sectors but with a good MFT, it will be great to go another level down with imaging and have feature which allow us to image by directory/folder and image by file.
What I mean is not imaging a all the partition but the ability to extract a folder or a file by creating a new imaging project just for this object(file/folder). and by creating a project we can change parameters on how to read this object, forward, reverse, change timeouts etc.
it will allow us to extract in a better way some files which are a priority from badly damaged drives.


I think also a must feature is a USB Drive support as DDI V4 have.

Thank you very much for your suggestions on this one, we will add this in our planning and we will see the best we can do for the next upgrade.
Dolphin team

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