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What's New in DFL-WDII Version 2.4
Within the new version-version 2.4 of DFL-WDII hdd repair tool,we have added many unique and powerful hdd repair and data recovery functions as below and users are now able to further enhance their data recovery capabilities with DFL-WDII:

1, The solution to regenerate ROM for PCB1640 and some Newer series is added to version 2.4;
2, For PCB 1692, 1698 and some newer Series, it's not possible to load ATA module before and then it's not possible to read the SA or read tracks, but now within DFL-WDII version 2.4, users can load 13 and then load ATA module successfully to fix these kind of damaged WD hard drives;
3, Module DIR loading and automatic searching function are added to fix many undetected WD hdds at a higher success rate;
(Above three data recovery solutions are our unique and powerful data recovery functions added)

Read full news here:
Dolphin team
Where's the link to download??
Was the 2.4 is already released?
good team good work
we are preparing english version for our users wait little time
Good Job .
For English version, we must make sure it works perfectly and our Chinese version has been released as we said in the October meeting and Many Chinese users are helping test the new functions and we are then able to soon release the English version and all English users are to use it happily.
Dolphin team

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