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STM3320613AS Brinks (7200.11)(2D) family ZZ7L firmware
I'v a problem with MAXTOR STM3320613AS 6SZ1ALCZ Brinks (7200.11)(2D) family.
My client give me this hard drive after him gone another labs.
The problem is that the firmware on the hard disk front cover is MX15 but the hard disk is connect with DFL I read ZZTL: it was last lab to create this problem or is a hard disk bug????
There's a solution for this problem? Can I data recovery from this hard drive?
Thank you so much guys.

F3 T>^a
Package Version: BR120D.MXD1.BP0V0A., Package P/N: ---------, Package Builder ID: 7L,
Package Build Date: 08/11/2008, Package Build Time: 16:53:07, Package CFW Version: BR12.MXD1.00106372.7L00,
Package SFW1 Version: D0B8, Package SFW2 Version: ----, Package SFW3 Version: ----, Package SFW4 Version: ----
Controller FW Rev: 08111653, CustomerRel: ZZ7L, Changelist: 00106372, ProdType: BR12.MXD1, Date: 08/11/2008, Time: 165307, UserId: 00357094
Servo FW Rev: D0A8
RAP FW Implementation Key: 0E, Format Rev: 0200, Contents Rev: 01 0B 00 00
what are the com terminal messages, pls. post, besides, any other failures?

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