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Coronavirus attack delay
Hello friends, due to the attack of new coronavirus attack, Dolphin office will be delayed to open on Feb.10 like all other companies in China.

All Chinese people and China government are fighting against this new virus and the bad situation is being controlled but people need to stay at home if not necessary.

I believe everything will be going fine in a short time, thank you for all your support.
Dolphin team
Wuhan will never give up
It's not only a matter of Wuhan, but a matter of China, Chinese people are working hard to fight against this virus. Thank you for your concern.
Dolphin team
off course china can overcome on this virus soon
Thank you friends. Dolphin starts to come back to work now and we will keep releasing new.
Dolphin team
Best wishes to all the team at Dolphin Data at this time.
Best wishes to all people in the world who might be affected by the virus.
Dolphin team
This is a map for everyone of the World with information , how the COVID-19 plague spreads, and what are its effects in individual countries.

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