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want to buy srp, when?
hello dolphin team, thinking to buy your new DFL-Super recovery equipment, can you let us know when will it be available, thanks?
My dear friend, long time since last talk, hope everything is going well with you and your business. Some clients are already using our SRP for imaging, recovery, common firmware repair and special firmware repair of Seagate, WD and Hitachi, and Samsung, Toshiba/Fujitsu are supposed to be released in next two weeks before our Chinese Spring Festival. We will activate all modules including the Samsung, Toshiba/Fujitsu but for programs of Samsung, Toshiba, you need to wait for two more weeks. If you don't mind this waiting, we will then ship SRP to you now.

By the way, if you have any comments on our DDP and any other tools from Dolphin, please let us know, thanks.
Thank you Stanley for your kind reply, Pls. ship the SRP to us asap because we are opening one new data recovery lab. By the way, Please email us the request on how to get the certificate of excellence and we'd like to have one and we have resolved many cases using DFL data recovery tools.

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